Inflatable Boat Adhesive Glue PVC Polymarine

Sale price£9.54 GBP

Inflatable Boat Adhesive PVC


Solvent-based polyurethane adhesive provides excellent adhesion to both plasticized and unplasticized PVC, nylon fabric, polyurethane fabric, and foam. It is suitable for repairing all types of PVC inflatables. This adhesive is user-friendly, functioning as a single-component glue for rapid and temporary repairs. It achieves contact bonding within 10-15 minutes and fully cures in 48 hours.


  1. Clean and dry surfaces
  2. Wipe the surface with Polymarine solvent 2903 or Acetone
  3. Brush on a thin coat onto both surfaces
  4. Leave for 20 minutes and apply a second thin coat
  5. While still tacky, bring together with as much pressure as possible

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